Monday, December 4, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Boxing

I am the lone holdout among my friends who liked the original show better than the remake.

Still, I am watching it.

So Saturday we are all talking about Friday's episode, and I'm not talking that much because a.) that show isn't my favorite in general, and b.) I didn't think that this was a particularly good episode. But they all thought it was great. And then they were debating about whether or not it was filmed recently. Did they film the episode after a bunch of fans wrote and complained that they didn't get to see what happened when the New Caprica colony was first started? Or did they plan this episode so far in advance that they filmed parts of this episode last season?

Well, I didn't say so at the time, since no one asked me, and I really don't care enough about the show to interrupt them, but I have to say that it was none of the above.

I think they filmed the flashback scenes last session, as part of the season finale. And then after they shot those scenes they cut them, because they were boring. And then after all those fans complained that they didn't get to see what happened when they first went down to the new settlement, they filmed all the boxing stuff around the flashback scenes in hope of making them seem exciting.

So they gave the fans what they asked for, and they got to save money making a cheap clip show.


At least next week's episode looks interesting.

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