Saturday, February 24, 2007

He's a real nerd, and he played one on TV

Who is on first?

Will Wheaton is on first.

Okay, it was not that funny, but it was sort of like that.

Anyway, I think Will Wheaton blogs in his sleep or something.

Or maybe he was in a transporter accident, and there are now five of him, and they all blog on a regular basis.

1 comment:

voyageur said...

Just about the only time we ever watched "The Weakest Link" was the one where they had a bunch of Trek stars on it. Shatner, Armin Shimerman (Quark), the B'elanna lady, Wheaton, and maybe others.

Wheaton proceeded to come across as the most arrogant jerk, insulting everyone and making people angry.

He was asked about this at the end of the show and excused it by saying that he was intentionally playing a typical Hollywood jerk and that he was not like that in reality. We were like, "whatever" on that.